La professeure Lucy Taksa possède des connaissances et une expertise impressionnantes sur divers aspects de la gestion, tels que l'histoire, l'éducation et la diversité. Elle a également travaillé sur les cultures genrées sur le lieu de travail dans le domaine des soins infirmiers et sur l'histoire de la santé et de la sécurité au travail. Nous sommes heureux d'enrichir notre comité avec son incroyable expertise sur l'égalité des chances en matière d'emploi, l'emploi des migrants et la participation de la main-d'œuvre migrante à des fins humanitaires.
Could you tell us a bit about two important articles you've written in your carreer?
I have investigated the past, present and future of work and management throughout my career starting with a paper published titled Scientific management: Technique or cultural ideology in 1992. This, and subsequent papers on the enduring impact of scientific management have focused on exposing its implications for the management of workplace safety, workers', vocational and higher education and workplace culture more broadly.
Investigating diversity in the workplace has been a central interest in my research resulting in close attention to concepts of identity and intersectionality.. This paper discusses the strenghts and weaknesses of intersectionality and social identity theory, concluding that both could be enhanced through attention to treatments of hybridity in critical masculinity studies