Greg possède une expertise dans divers aspects des relations industrielles et de la gestion du personnel, qui se reflète dans ses ouvrages tels que International & Comparative Employment Relations et Up in Air : How Airlines Can Improve Performance by Engaging their Employees : International & Comparative Employment Relations, et Up in the Air : How Airlines Can Improve Performance by Engaging their Employees ; et des articles sur des sujets tels que l'aviation, la santé, le secteur public, la fabrication, le règlement des différends, la gestion "allégée", le changement technologique et les syndicats.
Universitaire primé, il a fait partie de nombreux autres comités de rédaction et a été président et/ou membre de plusieurs académies dans les domaines des relations industrielles et de la gestion. Il a également été conseiller auprès de gouvernements, administrateur de conseils d'administration et arbitre et médiateur pour le Service de conseil, de conciliation et d'arbitrage (Advisory, Conciliation & Arbitration Service) du Royaume-Uni.
Could you describe two key articles to better understand your interest and expertise?
Can a union be democratic and administratively efficient, or are these goals always at odds? This article analyses and compares the changing administrative practices of US, UK and Australian unions. The article is grounded in theory and also has practical relevance. It exemplifies my long-term interest in the theory and practice of unions.
This article, ‘Employee Voice, Intention to Quit, and Conflict Resolution: Evidence from Australia’, offers insights into employee voice and workplace conflict. It considers two research questions: What are the relationships between employee voice at work, dispute resolution, and intention to quit? Does the type of dispute affect these relationships? It exemplifies my interest in the theory and practice of industrial relations dispute prevention and settlement.