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    Call for papers

    RI/IR invites you to submit manuscripts for the forthcoming thematic issue “The Socio-Environmental Restructuring of Work and Employment: Processes, Effects and Governance”. Deadline for submissions: June 15th, 2025.

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    Google Top 50

    Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations is now #50 on Google Scholar’s top 100 french journals list! 

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    Call for papers

    RI/IR invites you to submit manuscripts for the forthcoming thematic issue "What are the repercussions of labour/skills shortages and scarcity on industrial relations and human resource management?". Deadline for submissions : February 28th, 2025

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    Volume 79-1 is online!

    The latest issue (79-1) is now available in open access.

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  • 4 éditeurs associés

    New associate editors

    Welcome to our new associate editors : Professor Tania Saba, Professor Ernesto Noronha, Professor Ann Frost and Professor Jean-Étienne Joullié!


Ernesto Noronha

Ernesto Noronha

Ernesto Noronha, PhD, is Professor of Organizational Behaviour at the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, India. His research interests include diversity, inclusion and equality at work, technology and work, employment relations and globalization, dignity at work, workplace bullying, and informal and precarious work and employment. Ernesto has published articles in peer-reviewed international journals such as Journal of Business Ethics; Industrial and Labor Relations Review; Journal of Contemporary Asia; and International Journal of Human Resource Management. He is Co-Editor-in-Chief one of the editors-in-chief of the Handbooks of Workplace Bullying, Emotional Abuse and Harassment, Volumes 1-4 4 vols. (Springer, 2021). Ernesto has been a visiting professor at the School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University, and at the Department of Sociology, University of Vienna, and a visiting scholar at the University of Strathclyde, the University of Portsmouth, the University of Bergen, the University of Hamburg, the University of Amsterdam, the University of Western Australia and the Rotterdam School of Management. He is currently a section co-editor for labour relations and business ethics at the Journal of Business Ethics and Associate Editor Journal of Organizational Change Management. 

Could you tell us a bit about two important articles you've written in your carreer?

I chose these two articles because one deals with migrant IT labour to the Netherlands and the other examines the work experience of child workers on cotton seed farms in India. These two groups belong to two extreme ends of the spectrum in terms of human capital endowments, but both are embedded in global supply chains. The similarity does not end there, but extends to how they experience dis-embeddedness.