• Clavier - crédit Sergi Kabrera - Unsplash

    Call for papers

    RI/IR invites you to submit manuscripts for the forthcoming thematic issue “The Socio-Environmental Restructuring of Work and Employment: Processes, Effects and Governance”. Deadline for submissions: June 15th, 2025.

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    Google Top 50

    Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations is now #50 on Google Scholar’s top 100 french journals list! 

  • ordinateur sur une table - crédit photo Jakub_Zerdzicki - Unsplash

    Call for papers

    RI/IR invites you to submit manuscripts for the forthcoming thematic issue "What are the repercussions of labour/skills shortages and scarcity on industrial relations and human resource management?". Deadline for submissions : February 28th, 2025

  • cellulaire montrant le logo de la revue

    Volume 79-1 is online!

    The latest issue (79-1) is now available in open access.

  • Campus Hiver
  • 4 éditeurs associés

    New associate editors

    Welcome to our new associate editors : Professor Tania Saba, Professor Ernesto Noronha, Professor Ann Frost and Professor Jean-Étienne Joullié!


Instructions for Authors

Manuscripts submitted to Relations industrielles/Industrial Relations must be original texts, presented exclusively to the journal, free of copyright and a product only of the authors cited on the title page.

They must also :

  • Meet the criteria for publication in a scientific journal
  • Fit with the editorial policy of the journal

Language and length

The articles will be written in French or English of academic caliber.

The manuscript will contain between 7,000 and 8,000 words (including references).

The text (from the introduction to the conclusion, including tables and figures)

  • Font: Times New Roman 12
  • Double spacing
  • Justified paragraphs

List of Documents to Submit

First Document

The manuscript - Word Format, will have the following sections (in order) :

  • Title : up to 120 characters
  • Summary : up to 300 words
  • Keywords : between 5 and 8
  • Translated Summary
  • Text : Times 12, Double Spacing, Justified
  • References
  • Note : tables and charts should be placed at the appropriate area in the text
  • To facilitate the anonymization of the text, at most three self-citations can be included in the first version of the manuscript

Second Document

Another document should provide a short biographical note about the authors and source of funding.

  • The authors should be listed in order that they should be quoted.

Title, Summary and Keywords


Title will be no longer than 120 characters.



The manuscript should be accompanied by 5 to 8 keywords. Notably, these should be terms that do not appear in the article’s title and hence increase the scope for referencing.



The summary of approximately 300 words briefly presents the research objective or question, the methodology, the results, and the main conclusions of the article. After publication, it will be used by aggregators and added to databases.

Authors are requested to provide a summary in both languages (English and French).

References and Footnotes


In the text, references will be identified by the name of the author or authors, the year and, where appropriate, the page. Everything is placed within parentheses.

  • Example : (Piketty, 2013 : 427)

For works of more than three authors, the format et al. is accepted. The format must be used throughout the entire text.

For bibliographic references at the end of the text, please respect the APA 6th or 7th edition guidelines.


Taking into account the referencing method adopted in the main text, the use of notes should be limited.

They should be numbered consecutively throughout the article and placed at the end of the text.

Tables, Charts and Appendix

Tables and charts

Their number should also be limited. They should have a title, be clearly presented and numbered consecutively in arabic numerals.

  • Example : Table 1, Figure 1, etc.

The tables and figures must be included in the main text file.

They must be inserted at the appropriate location within the manuscript.


The journal does not publish appendices.



Relations Industrielle/Industrial Relations requests that submitters clearly identify individuals who are considered authors of the draft article. The journal uses the submitted names, affiliation groups, and the order in which the names are presented as submitted.

Submitters must confirm that each author listed has made a real and significant contribution to the manuscript.
In case of dispute or doubt as to the contribution made by an author, the journal may request written confirmation of the role played by each person cited.

The author of correspondence is the person who submits the manuscript to the journal, either by email or through the manuscript management platform. It is considered that this person has been designated by his or her peers to perform this representative role and is able to convey important messages to colleagues.


Submission of a paper implies that it is not already protected by copyright, is not currently under consideration by another journal, and that it is the product only of the authors(s) cited on the title page. We require authors to assign the copyright of their accepted manuscripts to RI/IR.


We also ask that you submit a photo of each author. We will use these pictures on various social media outlets for outreach and promotion of the published manuscript. Ideally, we would like to have good quality images with high resolution.