Relations Industrielle/Industrial Relations requests that submitters clearly identify individuals who are considered authors of the draft article. The journal uses the submitted names, affiliation groups, and the order in which the names are presented as submitted.
Submitters must confirm that each author listed has made a real and significant contribution to the manuscript.
In case of dispute or doubt as to the contribution made by an author, the journal may request written confirmation of the role played by each person cited.
The author of correspondence is the person who submits the manuscript to the journal, either by email or through the manuscript management platform. It is considered that this person has been designated by his or her peers to perform this representative role and is able to convey important messages to colleagues.
Submission of a paper implies that it is not already protected by copyright, is not currently under consideration by another journal, and that it is the product only of the authors(s) cited on the title page. We require authors to assign the copyright of their accepted manuscripts to RI/IR.