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    Call for papers

    RI/IR invites you to submit manuscripts for the forthcoming thematic issue “The Socio-Environmental Restructuring of Work and Employment: Processes, Effects and Governance”. Deadline for submissions: June 15th, 2025.

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    Google Top 50

    Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations is now #50 on Google Scholar’s top 100 french journals list! 

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    Call for papers

    RI/IR invites you to submit manuscripts for the forthcoming thematic issue "What are the repercussions of labour/skills shortages and scarcity on industrial relations and human resource management?". Deadline for submissions : February 28th, 2025

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    Volume 79-1 is online!

    The latest issue (79-1) is now available in open access.

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  • 4 éditeurs associés

    New associate editors

    Welcome to our new associate editors : Professor Tania Saba, Professor Ernesto Noronha, Professor Ann Frost and Professor Jean-Étienne Joullié!


Vers des territoires inclusifs : qui sont les acteurs mobilisés dans le processus de collaboration intersectorielle pour un emploi durable ?

Vers des territoires inclusifs : qui sont les acteurs mobilisés dans le processus de collaboration intersectorielle pour un emploi durable ?

Elise Marcandella, Ingrid Mazzilli

Volume : 76-4 (2021)


Enabling people to access all the resources and systems they need is the main challenge of inclusive territories. One priority is access to sustainable employment. Public authorities have tried to support this priority by encouraging the development of partnerships between actors from a variety of sectors (private, public, hybrid and third sectors). Supporting sustainable employment is a complex societal problem that makes such projects necessary. These projects pose real challenges for collaborative work at the territorial level. It is thereby necessary to examine the nature and specificities of this collaborative work, which aims to create inclusive territories and which involves actors from different sectors. It is interesting to ask which actors are involved in this process of cross-sector collaboration for sustainable employment and what challenges are facing this CSC in creating an inclusive territory. Through an exploratory study of two projects that were launched as part of the call for “100 % inclusion projects,” we describe the efforts of cross-sector collaboration in two distinct French territories and examine their specific features. The results portray the concept of “inclusive territory” as a collaborative linear path and furthermore show divergent and revealing conceptions of tensions within the various sectors, some of which are under-represented.

Keywords : inclusive territories, cross-sector collaboration (CSC), field of public authority, level of public authority, “100 % inclusion project.”