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    Call for papers

    RI/IR invites you to submit manuscripts for the forthcoming thematic issue “The Socio-Environmental Restructuring of Work and Employment: Processes, Effects and Governance”. Deadline for submissions: June 15th, 2025.

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    Google Top 50

    Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations is now #50 on Google Scholar’s top 100 french journals list! 

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    Call for papers

    RI/IR invites you to submit manuscripts for the forthcoming thematic issue "What are the repercussions of labour/skills shortages and scarcity on industrial relations and human resource management?". Deadline for submissions : February 28th, 2025

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    Volume 79-1 is online!

    The latest issue (79-1) is now available in open access.

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  • 4 éditeurs associés

    New associate editors

    Welcome to our new associate editors : Professor Tania Saba, Professor Ernesto Noronha, Professor Ann Frost and Professor Jean-Étienne Joullié!


Les conditions de performativité du discours autour de la création de valeur partagée

Les conditions de performativité du discours autour de la création de valeur partagée

Eric Persais

Volume : 76-1 (2021)


The concept of Creating Shared Value (CSV), proposed by Porter and Kramer, does not have unanimous support within the academic community. Yet it does enjoy some popularity among company managers, who see it as an effective way to meet the challenges of sustainable development and, indirectly, to reconcile economic, social and ecological goals. By referring to CSV in company discourse, a manager can reassure all the stakeholders about what the company is aiming to achieve, but effects are not necessarily produced in its organizational practices.

Using data from a longitudinal single case study, the author is interested here in the process of going from talk to action. He examines the performativity of CSV and identifies some performativity conditions that are specific to CSV discourse.

From this research, three factors can thus be identified as facilitators: not having a competing theory; implementing a social acceptance process; and placing CSV within a more comprehensive approach to the company’s reason for being. These findings, which of course should be confirmed by a larger-scale study, build upon preceding studies on the performativity conditions of strategy discourse by adapting it to the CSV concept now widely used in the business community.