• ordinateur sur une table - crédit photo Jakub_Zerdzicki - Unsplash

    Call for papers

    RI/IR invites you to submit manuscripts for the forthcoming thematic issue "What are the repercussions of labour/skills shortages and scarcity on industrial relations and human resource management?". Deadline for submissions : February 28th, 2025

  • cellulaire montrant le logo de la revue

    Volume 79-1 is online!

    The latest issue (79-1) is now available in open access.

  • New associate editors

    New associate editors

  • Campus Hiver

Journal's Policies

List of policies and ethical chart

Editorial Policy

RI/IR is a journal dedicated to publication in the field of industrial relations, not from a traditional perspective that would limit this field to labour-management relations, but from a broad and contemporary perspective, which centres its contribution on issues related to work and employment, including labour relations and trade unionism, human resource management, public policy on work and employment, and also ergonomics and occupational health and safety.

Consistent with the field of industrial relations, RI/IR promotes a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach to the study of work and employment, grounded in the social sciences. Scholars from areas as diverse as sociology, anthropology, heterodox economics, socio-economics, labour law, history, political science, psychology, management sciences, ergonomics and feminist studies publish the results of their research in RI/IR. Their methodology can be both quantitative and qualitative, provided that studies take a critical perspective on work and employment, which is so essential to the social sciences.

Beyond the wealth of empirical studies, the journal is also interested in publishing studies that contribute to the theoretical renewal of the field of industrial relations and its related disciplines.

Moreover, articles published should be socially relevant and likely to contribute to solving problems in the world of work and employment.

Being a journal that is rooted in Canada, but with an increasingly international influence and content, RI/IR publishes articles stemming from original research conducted by authors in Canada and from abroad. This openness to international comparisons of conditions of work and employment and of institutions regulating work and employment requires authors to ensure that the results of their research are more broadly generalizable , if and where possible, so that they are of interest beyond the country and the specific case upon which they are based.

As a bilingual journal, RI/IR reflects the Canadian geographical and institutional reality. Among the major international journals specializing in the field of industrial relations, it is the only one that publishes in a language other than English and is committed to maintaining an equal number of French and English articles in each issue.

Ethical Chart

Authorship rights

Submission of an article attests to the fact that it is submitted on an exclusive basis, that the text is not copyrighted, and that it is the product only of the author(s) listed on the title page.

Authors must sign a statement of exclusivity and a copyright assignment to the journal upon final acceptance of their manuscript. The complete set of documents can be found below in the section titled Copyrights and Exclusivity.


Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations does not tolerate any form of plagiarism in the articles that are published. Any unauthorized use without proper citation of ideas, words, data, or other material produced by another person without their permission is considered plagiarism.

The journal may check for plagiarism in a submitted article using tools of its choice. A suspected case of plagiarism, whether in whole or in part, may be rejected outright by the editorial board.

Both the readership and the editorial board are encouraged to report any suspected plagiarism in a published article to the journal's management

Redundant publication or self-plagiarism

The journal's management reserves the right to verify whether a submitted article could be a redundant publication or self-plagiarism. A redundant or self-plagiarized article is one in which all or a significant portion of the text has already been published by the author without proper justification.

Exemples of redundant publications could be a manuscript who content is fully of partially identitical to : conference papers, self hosted manuscripts, reports, book chapter, etc.

Each case of redundancy or self-plagiarism will be evaluated by the journal's management and could lead to the rejection of a draft article.

Conflict of interest

Conflict of interest in research describes a situation in which a research actor's interest (including those close to him or her or associates) introduces a risk of actually, potentially, or apparently affecting his or her independence, objectivity, or impartiality when making decisions in the exercise of his or her evaluation responsibilities.

Conflicts of interest may involve an individual or an institution. They may be personal, professional, material or financial in nature. Family, political, religious and ideological interests may also pose a threat to independence, objectivity or impartiality.

Each situation will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the journal's management.


Privacy and Data Management Policy

Collection of Personal Data

The collection of personal data is intended to fulfill the Platform's mission: to ensure the complete management of the digital publishing process, including peer review.

In fulfilling its mission, the Platform is therefore likely to collect both data of a strictly nominative nature, for example: surname, first name, physical or electronic address, telephone number, date of birth, academic or professional affiliation, country, working languages, but may also collect qualitative data.

Respect for privacy

Université Laval and its authorized personnel are committed to protecting personal information and respecting privacy. The right to privacy is protected in Quebec by articles 3, 35 and 36 of the Civil Code of Quebec and article 5 of the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms.

Responsibility for the protection of personal data

The Platform Administrator is responsible for the personal information under its management and shall designate a person to take care of the information assets in accordance with the principles set forth in these Terms of Use.

User Responsibility for Personal Data

All users are responsible for the protection of their personal data on the Platform. Users agree to read and comply with the Information Security Policy (hereinafter "the Policy") and the Information Security Regulations for the Use of Information Assets of Université Laval (hereinafter "the Regulations").

Any violation of these Terms of Use, the Policy and the Laval University Regulations may result in the cancellation of access privileges to information assets. Cancellation may be effected without notice depending on the nature and severity of the breach.

Protection of personal data

Université Laval stores, processes and communicates information in various forms and through various platforms and websites. It recognizes that this information, which is essential to its administrative, teaching and research activities, must be used appropriately and protected throughout its life cycle.

Access to Personal Data

Only authorized personnel may have access to personal data. The University ensures that these individuals have standing to access such information and that access is necessary to perform their duties.

The personal information you agree to provide on the Université Laval Web sites must be true, accurate, up-to-date and complete

Disclosure of personal information

The use and disclosure of personal information at Université Laval takes into account the privacy rights of individuals with respect to the personal information they agree to provide and the need of organizations to collect, use or disclose such information for purposes that a reasonable person would consider appropriate in the circumstances.

Management and retention of personal information

Université Laval has adopted an Information Security Policy and is subject to the Act respecting Access to documents held by public bodies and the Protection of personal information (chapter A-2.1). The Act applies to documents held by Université Laval in the performance of its duties, whether the retention of information assets is ensured by itself or by the Platform

Transfer of personal data

Those responsible for processing personal data reserve the right to transfer this information to partners whose purposes are compatible with the mission of the Platform and for which the data was originally collected.

Processing for archival purposes in the public interest, for scientific or historical research purposes, or for statistical purposes should be considered a compatible lawful processing operation.

The use of data for commercial purposes is totally prohibited.

Suspension of access to personal data

The users of the Platform have the right to obtain from the data controller the suspension of access to their personal data, as soon as possible, when:

  • The personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected;
  • The Journal no longer wishes to use the service offered by the Platform;
  • The data subject withdraws his or her consent following unlawful processing of the personal data:
    • when the data is used for purposes other than those for which it was collected;
    • when the processing of the collected data is contrary to the Information Security Policy of Laval University;
    • when the processing of the data collected is contrary to applicable laws and regulations.

The suspension of access to personal data is equivalent to the unavailability of the data to users. Only those in charge of the Platform will retain access to it for the purposes of administering the Platform.

Lifetime of Personal Data

The Library retains Personal Data for as long as it is required for the purposes for which it was originally collected. The controller undertakes to destroy Personal Data as soon as possible if it is no longer required for the purposes for which it was collected.



Guiding Principles - Editorial Committee

1. The Directorial Committee

The Directorial Committee consists of the journal's editor, associate editors, and the journal's salaried staff.

1.1 The Editor is appointed in accordance with the statutes of the Department of Industrial Relations at Université Laval.

1.2 Associate editors are appointed by the journal's Editor. The term is three years.

1.2.1 This term is renewable.

1.3 Members of the Directorial Committee are not permitted to publish in the journal.

2. The Editorial Committee

Invitations to join the Editorial Committee are decided by the Editor of Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations.

2.1 The term for Editorial Committee is three years.

2.1.2 This term is renewable.

2.2 Editorial Committee members are expected to continue publishing articles during their term.

2.3 Editorial Committee members are expected to promote journal articles through various networks.

2.4 Membership in the journal's Editorial Board or Directorial Committee should be indicated in the member's email signature.

2.5 Editorial Committee   members may publish in the journal.

2.5.1  All manuscripts submitted by Editorial Committee members must undergo blind peer review.

3. Termination of Editorial Committee Membership

An Editorial committee membership may be terminated at any time by the jounal's editor for multiple reasons including, but not limited to : 

  • Repeated refusal to review articles.
  • Serious and substantiated legal and/or ethical accusations.
  • Prolonged absence of scientific article publications.
  • Conflict with the directorial committee.


Copyrights and Exclusivity

The journal Relations industrielles/Industrial Relations has adopted policies relating to exclusivity and copyright.

Attestation of exclusivity

The submission of an article attests to the fact that:

  • it is presented exclusively
  • that the rights to reproduce the text are not reserved
  • and that it is the product of the author or authors whose names will appear on the publication’s title page.

This statement of exclusivity must be signed upon the acceptance of the article for publication.


Upon final acceptance of their article, authors will have to sign a document agreeing to cede copyrights to the journal.

While the journal's still retains rights over the manuscript, all publications are fully open access and can be hosted on any platform of the author's choice.

Handling of Ethics Issues

In the event of disputes such as allegations of misconduct, conflicts of authority, conflicts of interest, or any other issues that may arise before or after publication, the journal is committed to following, when applicable, the guidelines offered by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).