• ordinateur sur une table - crédit photo Jakub_Zerdzicki - Unsplash

    Call for papers

    RI/IR invites you to submit manuscripts for the forthcoming thematic issue "What are the repercussions of labour/skills shortages and scarcity on industrial relations and human resource management?". Deadline for submissions : February 28th, 2025

  • cellulaire montrant le logo de la revue

    Volume 79-1 is online!

    The latest issue (79-1) is now available in open access.

  • New associate editors

    New associate editors

  • Campus Hiver

About the journal

About RI/IR

Produced by the Department of Industrial Relations at Laval University (Quebec, Qc, Canada), Relations industrielles/Industrial Relations is listed among the major international journals specializing in the study of work and employment. Founded in 1945, it was the first journal in this field to appear in the world and remains the only one of its kind in Canada.

RI/IR’s mission is to diffuse high quality research in industrial relations, including labour relations and trade unionism, human resource management, public policy relating to work and employment, and also ergonomics and occupational health and safety.

RI/IR produces four issues per year, totalling over 800 pages. As a bilingual journal, half of the articles are published in French, and the other half in English. The journal also publishes reviews of leading new books in the field.

RI/IR is available in digital format anywhere in the world through the Érudit platform. The printed version is disseminated across more than 25 countries.

The RI/IR editorial team is interested in receiving article submissions on all aspects of work and employment. Articles can be written in French or English. Interested authors should submit a manuscript of around 7000 to 8000 words, including tables, notes and references. The text must be anonymous and respect the publication rules of the journal.

Original manuscripts corresponding to the objectives of the journal are subject to a rigorous peer review process (3 blind evaluations). The criteria typically considered by the journal are:

  • originality of the problematic;
  • engagement with the literature (and how the article contributes to the advancement of knowledge);
  • theoretical or analytical framework
  • clearly explained methodology (collection and analysis of data);
  • originality of the results presented, analyzed and discussed.

RI/IR is published with the assistance of a grant from the Fonds de recherche du Québec-Société et Culture (FQRSC) and from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). The journal also receives a financial support from the Department of Industrial Relations at Laval University. It is officially recognized by the Canadian Industrial Relations Association (CIRA).


Almost 75 years ago, in September 1945, the first issue of the journal appeared under the name Bulletin des relations industrielles. The oldest academic journal in industrial relations in the world, and the only one of its type in Canada, its self-declared mission was to “give objective information to its readers on current topics of interest to Capital and Labour (trans.)”.

At the time of its founding, all the texts in the Bulletin were published in French and English. However, this totally bilingual approach very quickly proved to be too demanding. Hence, from the fall of 1947, only the best articles were translated. Shortly after, it became usual practice, as it remains today, to publish in the language of the author, either in French or English. From 1997 to 2019, summaries have also been translated into Spanish.

Today, disseminated by Érudit worldwide, Relations industrielles/Industrial Relations represents, through its history, the themes it addresses, its interdisciplinary orientation and its bilingual nature, a major resource for researchers in industrial relations and related disciplines. It plays an important role in the international diffusion of knowledge on contemporary issues of work and employment.



The articles published in Relations industrielles/Industrial Relations are featured in numerous indexation tools. According to the Ulrichsweb Serials Solutions database, the journal is indexed in more than 70 databases aimed at specialists and researchers worldwide.

The Relations industrielles/Industrial Relations journal is disseminated by the Érudit consortium

It is listed in Repère (partial content).

It is also listed in the databases produced by the following companies:

  • EBSCOhost: Business Source Complete, Canadian Reference Centre, Current Abstracts, Human Resources Abstracts, Humanities Source, OmniFile Full Text Mega (formerly with H.W. Wilson), Peace Research Abstracts, Political Science Complete, Public Affairs Index, Social Sciences Abstracts (formerly with H.W. Wilson), Social Sciences Full Text, SocIndex and SocINDEX with full text
  • Gale: Business ASAP International, CPI, (Canadian Periodical Index), General Reference Centre International, Info Trac Custom, Student Resource Center College
  • ProQuest: ABI/INFORM Complete, CBCA Business (Canadian Business and Current Affairs), International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, PAIS International (Public Affairs Information Service), ProQuest 5000, ProQuest 5000 International, ProQuest Political Science, ProQuest Research Library, ProQuest Sociology, as well as the databases produced by Cambridge Scientific Abstracts via the ProQuest platform: CSA Social Services Abstracts, CSA Worldwide Political Science Abstracts, CSA Sociology Abstracts
  • Thomson Reuters: Current Contents, Social Sciences Citation Index, Web of Science

The journal is indexed in the Labordoc database of the International Labour Organization (ILO).

RI/IR is listed by INIST as well as by Google (general), Google Scholar and Persée.

Funding and Finances

Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations is a non-profit journal with three main sources of funding.

  1. Government grants: The journal receives grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and the Fond de Recherche du Québec - Société et Culture (FRQ-SC). This is the main source of revenue.
  2. Infrastructure and logistics: Université Laval, more specifically the library and the Department des Relations Industrielles, provides RI/IR with significant logistical, financial and infrastructure support. In addition, are offered to professors who assume the management functions. This is an essential contribution to the operation of RI/IR.
  3. Sales, subscriptions and royalties: A final fraction of our income is derived primarily from royalties paid by our indexing partners (Erudit, JSTOR, EBSCO, etc)